Claim a 10% bonus on your first purchase of gold by opening a Goldmoney Holding today. Terms Apply
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All client assets are segregated, fully-reserved (1:1), and securely stored in insured vaults around the world.
Precious metals are redeemable in bullion bars at vaults, or in a selection of coins and bars that can be shipped to clients via SchiffGold.
Goldmoney clients have access to the world’s leading precious metals research, which is read by the most notable investors. Our team of analysts has more than 180 years of combined experience navigating markets.
Goldmoney Prepaid card, free gold transfers, and multi-currency accounts in up to nine currencies.
Goldmoney offers IRA and SIPP accounts for accumulating precious metal savings and deferring tax exposure.
We offer institutional services for HNW family offices, corporations, and trusts that provide access to our pricing, execution, and custody technology through an API.
Goldmoney offers enhanced and personalized client service. Upon opening a Holding, you are assigned a personal Relationship Manager who can be reached via both phone and secure message directly from inside your Holding. We also operate a limited number of physical branch locations that offer customer service to Goldmoney clients and other valuable features.